Getting information about the 2023 All-School Reunion will be the same as in other years. In 2011, we sent out a mass postcard mailing. Unfortunately, the mailing was not very successful. It was very costly, didn't reach everyone, and didn't give a lot of information.
For the 2023 Reunion we WILL NOT be sending out a mass mailing or invitation for all graduating members. We are asking someone from every class to volunteer to be the Contact Person for your Class and that person will be in charge of informing their classmates about reunion activities. Most classes that have been having reunions in the past have already established someone that keeps a current list of classmates and serves in this capacity. Many classes have also established Facebook groups or email lists for their classes.
Below you will find a list of the current Contacts for each Class. If your class does not have a contact person, consider volunteering to do this. Classes are encouraged to set up their own tents or gathering areas in the park the day of the reunion or even plan your own events.
1941 Julie Ackerman - julieackerman@hotmail.com
1943 Julie Ackerman - julieackerman@hotmail.com
1944 Charles Schmidt - c-schmitt@hotmail.com
1949 Beverly Craft - 822 Colony, Kinsley, KS 67547
1952 Mary Al Titus - matitus@sbcglobal.net
1953 Pat Craft - 822 Colony, Kinsley KS 67547
1954 Dorothy Craft, Emily White - ew3654@hotmail.com
1955 David Eslinger - davEsl@cox.net
1956 Karen Miller - darrelmiller@att.net
1957 Julie Ackerman - julieackerman@hotmail.com
1959 Galen Graff - jnelag@netscape.net
1960 Rosetta Graff - librarian281942@yahoo.com
Susie Mathes - suemathes4200@gmail.com
1961 Linda Williams - lawilliams1961@cox.net
1962 Audrey Herrmann Bornholdt - abornholdt1@outlook.com,
Bernard Ditges - brditges@yahoo.com
1963 Linda Lorenzen - llorenzen1@cox.net
1964 Carol Stallings - carolstallings46@gmail.com
1965 Vaughn Fox - reolds@gmail.com
1966 Vicki Stoddard Gillette - ctry1995inn@hotmail.com
1967 Pricilla Brack - pibrack@unitedwireless.com
1969 Terry Gartung - 801 Briggs, Kinsley, KS 67547
1970 Mickey Avery - mickey.avery@yahoo.com
1971 Jana Simmons - janasuesimmons@yahoo.com
1974 Maureen Hirsh - mhirsh@cox.net
1975 Debbie McAvoy - debug57@hotmail.com facebook group
1976 Nancy Craft - n_craft_2000@yahoo.com, facebook group
1977 Marva Burr, Don Benish - donbenish@yahoo.com
1978 Janet Wetzel - wetzel.janet@gmail.com
1979 Jan Hogan - jankhogan@hotmail.com
1980 Celeste Schroetlin - crc_spook@yahoo.com
1981 Lisa Crockett - crockett9@cox.net
1982 Janet Hesting - hestings@nckcn.com
1983 Barb Habiger - shabiger1@yahoo.com
1984 Sheila Ackerman Shockey - sheila@shockeyconsulting.com
1985 Troy Leith, Danny Espinosa - tleith@ctiks.com
1986 Tammy Brougher - tbnurse69@wavecable.com
1987 Laura Kersting Cure - hgdistct@fairpoint.net
1988 Michelle Peterson - sas88nak@yahoo.com,
Kathy Schaller schaller@usd261.com facebook group
1989 Linette Miller - millerlinette@gmail.com, facebook group
1990 Paula Hattrup - paula@hattrupag.com
1991 Jared Froetschner - jared.froetschner@hiplainsfeed.com
1992 Nicole Schaller - heycole33@yahoo.com
1993 Kathleen Haselhorst - kathaselhorst3@yahoo.com
1995 Beth Schmitt - beth_schmitt@sbcglobal.net
1996 Tonya Taylor - tontay_11@yahoo.com, facebook group
1997 Alicia Travizo - aliciatrevizo_@outlook.com, facebook group
1998 Angie Barnett - angieb6770@yahoo.com
1999 Lana Sexton - lsexton99@yahoo.com
2000 Heather Lanham - halanham@gmail.com , facebook group
2001 Abby Heinz - abbyburkhart@yahoo.com
2002 Ashley Habiger Hargrave - ashlie_nicole02@hotmail.com
2003 Krystle Sandman - ksandman@edcomed.com, facebook group
2004 Brandi Risoe Hattrup - brandi_nicole04@hotmail.com, facebook
2005 Beth Pfeifer - mestrong67547@gmail.com
2006 Mikki Burcher - mikki.burcher@gmail.com
2007 Kelsey Holguin - Kelseykliewer42@hotmail.com
2008 Maria McAvoy - mjcisneros1127@gmail.com, facebook group
2009 Dwight Wetzel- dwightwetzel@gmail.com, facebook group
2010 Brad Benish - bradleybenish@gmail.com
2011 ReAnna Proffitt - reanna_11@hotmail.com
2012 Brooke Hattrup - lynee.brooke@gmail.com
2021 Rylie Miller - ryliejomiller@gmail.com